When Benjamin Franklin made his famous “death and taxes” quotation, pardon the tire cliche, he hit the nail right on the head. As insightful as he was, if Mr. Franklin were alive today, it is plausible that he might revise his assertion to include insurance. As all car owners, homeowners, and employees can attest, insurance is simply fact of life of modern life.
Although most people enjoy paying for their insurance premiums about as much as they do income taxes, should they be unfortunate enough to need it, all you will hear are massive sighs of relief. For those people who are fortunate enough to have health insurance through their employers, it is almost impossible to translate that value into real dollars. And when people do not have health insurance, they are at a considerable disadvantage, especially when you consider that the average emergency room visit costs about 1500 dollars.
Since most of us have to purchase some type of insurance, but have no intention of using it, our relationships with our insurance companies might be best described as love hate. But if we have to pay for it, most of us want as much coverage as possible, at the low insurance rates. One of the advantages of living today is that it is easy to find the best rates and coverage, whether one is seeking homeowners insurance, insurance for business owners, life insurance, or comparing automobile insurance rates. All you have to do is go on line and conduct a basis Google search.
Perhaps the only downfall of searching online for the lowest homeowners insurance rates or cheapest car insurance rates is the sifting through the overwhelming information. The best way to deal with that issue is to consult some online insurance reviews. For example, if you are looking for, say, the lowest rates on insurance for business owners, simply look up “business owners insurance reviews,” “insurance for small businesses reviews,” or similar search phrases.
Whatever sort of insurance you might be looking for, it is well worth taking a little extra time to find the best rates. While you would rather not pay at all, at least you have the option of finding the lowest rates without leaving the comfort of your parents basement. Besides, if you find yourself sitting in the emergency room, or in an at fault auto accident, you will be relieved that do not have to pay out of pocket.